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Legislative leaders on Wednesday praised the work of the General Assembly and said that a special legislative session was not needed this year.

The 30-day session ended at midnight Tuesday.

“I felt better about this session as it concluded than any other session since the 1990 session,” said House Speaker Greg Stumbo. In 1990, the House and Senate passed the Kentucky Education Reform Act, a landmark education bill. “We accomplished quite a bit in a short period of time and we did it in a bipartisan manner. We did what Kentuckians expected to us to do, we solved problems.”

Senate President Robert Stivers, R-Manchester, described the session as “fairly successful” in that it “handled several large pieces of legislation.”

The Democratic House and the Republican Senate were able to come to an agreement on a fix to the state’s pension system on Tuesday that included moving new hires to a 401 (k) hybrid plan and making changes to the tax code that would generate an additional $100 million for the underfunded pension system. The plan has roughly half the money it needs to fund all current and future retirees.

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